General News

CHRAJ Provides Update on Rev Kusi Boateng Probe

The Commission on Human Rights Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) has provided insight into its investigation over claims of conflict of interest levelled against Rev Victor Kusi Boateng, an Executive Council Member of the Board of Trustees of National Cathedral Ghana.

Additionally, he is accused of paying an amount of GHS2.6 million for no work done and capturing the same as “Contractors Mobilization”.

On January 16, 2023, the Member of Parliament for the North Tongu Constituency, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa petitioned CHRAJ in accordance with Article 218 of the 1992 Constitution to investigate the “odious conflict of interest” by the official in relation to the award of a contract to one JNS Talent Centre Limited, a company he allegedly co-owns.

More than a year after the investigations commenced, nothing has been heard from the Commission.

Amid public demand, the Principal Registrar for the Commission, Daniel Afetsi disclosed the delay is being sponsored by JNS Talent Centre Limited, the company at the centre of the investigations.

In a letter, it confirmed that investigations on all material issues have been concluded by the Commission save for one which is pending.

“Please be additionally informed that the Commission is in the process of compiling its Decision on the matter whilst awaiting the additional information from the 5th Respondent (JNS TALENT CENTRE) and will communicate its decision thereafter when same is completed.”

It is, however, bent on concluding the probe without the information after an agreed time frame, it added.

“5th Respondent is informed that if the time given in the reminder to it to provide some specific information elapses the Commission will proceed and conclude without it.”

Rev Kusi Boateng is being investigated for corruption, abuse of power and contravention of Chapter 24 of the 1992 Constitution.

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