General News

Ashanti Regional NDC Communicators Strike

Communicators for the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Ashanti Region have heralded to effect strike action starting today Thursday, 29th October, 2020 over what they describe as the refusal of party leadership to address major challenges they face.

Failing to address the specific “challenges”, the statement however says “as we speak, most of our communicators can’t go to radio and tv stations regularly due to the challenges we have already tabled in front of the party leadership for over a year now.”

But in a WhatsApp group chat purported to be that of the group’s, spotted by Opemsuo FM, the Ashanti Regional Communication Officer, Abass Nurudeen claimed some leadership in the region “are soliciting funds in the name of the communication team to undertake communication activities”

” Not long ago, some executives and former appointees in the region went to take a huge sum of monies from (a businessman) in the name of the communication team or for communication activities and they are sitting on it”

” We know about all these issues, at the right time, we shall strike”, he concluded

According to the statement signed by eleven members excluding Abass Nurudeen, the decision to “embark on an indefinite sit down strike” is in the best interest of the party.

“This decision is for the best interest of the party because if these challenges are not addressed as soon as possible, the negative impact on the party can be very very serious and affect the fortunes of our dear party in the region, which will also affect our chances of winning the upcoming general election hence this necessary decision”

Source: Opemsuo FM/ Hajara Fuseini

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