General News


Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, Asantehene, has assured the international community that Ghana would continue to be an oasis of peace and the most attractive investment destination after the forthcoming general elections.

Receiving the new Ambassador of Italy to Ghana at Manhyia Palace this morning, Otumfuo noted that there would always be heightened noises in the run-up to the elections, but at the end of the day, the people’s commitment to the preservation of peace and democracy would prevail and Ghana would continue to be the attractive investment destination it has been for sometime now.

Otumfuo praised the long-standing economic relations between Ghana and Italy, characterised by such iconic projects as the Akosombo dam, the ENI energy investment and noted the excellent record of companies like Michelletti and Consar in the fields of construction and infrastructural development.

Otumfuo, however, drew her attention to the vast opportunities in the fields of agriculture and invited the new Ambassador to encourage her compatriots to explore possible investments there.

Ambassador Daniela Lina Gabriella d’Orlandi thanked Otumfuo and assured him that she would do her utmost during her tour of duty to build on the excellent relations between the two countries.

Ambassador d’Orlandi was accompanied to Manhyia by her husband, Mr. d’Orlandi and Mr. Stefano Ramella Pezza, Managing Director of Consar Limited.

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