EducationManhyia Palace

We Need to Lift the Underprivileged- Asantehene

The King of the Asante Kingdom, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II has underscored the need to bridge the gap between the privileged class and the underprivileged class in the society to safeguard the future for all.

His Majesty believes society will pay dearly in the future if the lower class is left without the needed assistance to advance their standard of living.

He suggested a social educational strategy such as being enrolled in SOS Hermann Gmeiner International College.

“I am saying that we have to do what has to be done in relation to training people and we have to bring everybody together. If we don’t and we leave other people there, then it means we will never develop because the rich will be richer and the poor will be poorer. That won’t be in our interest so we have to assist in every way possible. Some people if we don’t pick them from where they are and assist {it won’t augur well for us}.”

“In the end, 10% of society will be well off while the 90% will be armed robbers and chase the 10. The whole idea of SOS I appreciate and hope we can do more to support,” he said during a visit by the Management of the school.

He commended the nurturing and educational concept of the school as he testified to the positive impact it has had on her daughter, Nana Afia Kobi Serwaa Ampem Osei Tutu.

He spoke of the mature, independent and empathetic young woman her daughter had grown into.

“She went to the university independent. She said daddy SOS helped me…My wife chose SOS because of the combination of people from all social backgrounds. We wanted her to meet the other side of life. Meeting other people who are deprived but also in school, we encouraged her to try and bring some of them home and urged to assist those who needed help. For her to go and appreciate that the world is not a place where you get all you need when you are from an influential home.”

“The concept of the school opens the eyes for them to appreciate that life is not that simple an easy…My wife is appreciative because our daughter has learned to appreciate giving. That’s why I want to say thank you for making her mature enough to understand life better. The training in terms of education also has prepared her for the new path she has taken. Thank you.”

Otumfuo is prepared to support the school assist the underprivileged further.

“I want to assure you that we will do anything we can. My wife and I are going to set up something to help, if scholarship or whatever. She will be seeing you later on for further discussions.”

The Management of SOS Hermann Gmeiner International College were at the Manhyia Palace to extend their heartfelt gratitude to the Asantehene for gracing their 2024 Graduation Ceremony held on June 8 as the Guest of Honour.

The former Board Chair, Dr Mrs Margret Nkrumah and the Principal, Mrs Eliz Dadson on Friday, September 27, 2024 led a group of Management members to extend their appreciation.

In her speech she said, “None of us will ever forget the pageantry of that occasion or the words of wisdom, encouragement and inspiration you delivered to our student body.
As I mentioned at that ceremony, it is not the first favour your Majesty has done for SOS- not only in helping us to acquire the land to build our beautiful Children’s Village in the heart of the city but also personally gracing its inauguration, with the elegant and committed Lady Julia graciously agreeing to be its Patron.

“Beyond and above even that, however, is the trust you showed in our school by entrusting your daughter’s education and well-being to us for the past four years. Nana Afua has been more than a credit to you and a shining example of the kind of student we want to graduate, from all walks of life, with the commitment, ethical values and social conscience that we need in the future leaders of our beloved country— I believe they will be part of the change we so badly need.”


Source: Fuseini

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