General News

Police Meet Democracy Hub Leadership Today

The Ghana Police Service is looking forward to a “fruitful” engagement with the leadership of the pressure group Democracy Hub over the venue for their three-day demonstration in the country which begins tomorrow.

After a disagreement over the venue, the police are hopeful that the leadership of the group will bring themselves to terms with their conditions and choose a different venue.

They will be meeting today, September 20, a statement by the police announced.

“The Ghana Police Service would like to inform the general public that, following an invitation extended to the Democracy Hub by the Police for further engagement on their planned demonstration scheduled for 21st to 23rd September 2024, the organisers have written back to Police indicating their readiness to engage with the Police tomorrow, 20th September 2024, on the choice of location for their demonstration.”

“We look forward to a fruitful engagement with them and we will keep the public updated on the outcome of the meeting.”

The group initially planned to hold their picketing at the Revolution Square which is opposite the seat of the Presidency but the police argued that that could affect public order, and endanger public defence, public safety and public health.

Efforts to persuade the group to change the venue failed, compelling the police to secure an injunction against it on September 18.

In a press statement on September 19, the police indicated that they were prepared to provide the necessary security for the planned protest; however, this is contingent on whether the venue is changed.

“For purposes of emphasis, we wish to state categorically, that the Ghana Police Service has not stopped Democracy Hub from embarking on the planned protest. The only disagreement is on their choice of the Revolution Square, in front of the Jubilee House as the location for the protest.

“The Service has put in place sufficient measures to provide security for the exercise from 21st to 23rd September 2024, when a new location is agreed between the organizers and the Police. This has been duly communicated in a letter to the organizers and we look forward to agreeing on a new location to enable the organizers to exercise their democratic right to protest.”


Source: Fuseini

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