2022 WASSCE Private Candidates Results Released

The results of private candidates who sat for the 2022 West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASCCE) have been released by the West African Examination School Council (WAEC).
This comes almost three months after the results of school candidates were released.
In all, 43,742 sat as private candidates in the 2022 WASSCE.
The results were released on Friday, February 24, 2023, and can be accessed on the website of the Council.
The Council said 17,042 representing 83.37% of the candidates obtained between A1 and C6 in social studies; 15,183 representing 52.08% obtained between A1 and C6 in English Language; 13,036 representing 41.10% obtained between A1 and C6 in Mathematics; 11,590 representing 49.24% obtained between A1 and C6 in Integrated Science.
Withheld Results
Meanwhile, the results of 901 candidates have been withheld due to allegations of examination malpractices including bringing foreign materials and mobile phones into the examination hall, impersonation, collusion, and seeking external assistance among others.
It said these results will be released or cancelled based on the outcome of its investigations.
The candidates have been warned against persons who claim to work with the Council and promise to upgrade their results.
“The Council is cautioning members of the public to be on the alert for scammers who contact candidates with the promise of upgrading their results for a fee payable through mobile money transfers.
“Candidates are to note that WAEC’s results database is well-secured and all results can be authenticated. Institutions and organisations are therefore advised to confirm or verify results presented to them directly from WAEC or access the confirmation/verification service online at the WAEC website.”
Source: opemsuo.com/Hajara Fuseini